written by Sophie Treadwell
produced by paper chairs directed by Dustin Wills assistant directed by Keri Boyd scenic design by Lisa Laratta costumes by Kim H Ngo lighting by Megan M Reilly original music by Justin Sherburn sound design by Jeff Jones technical directed by Dorian Robison stage managed by Michael Cladwell Machinal is Sophie Treadwell’s Prohibition-era sensation that stunned audiences in the early 1930’s and largely disappeared from theatres until recent years. This expressionist masterpiece is based on the real-life trial and conviction of Ruth Snyder imaginatively restructured and retold by Treadwell in nine episodes of a woman’s everyday life. It is a cacophonic machine of a play that asks us as much about our perceived human boundaries today as it did eighty years ago. Featuring performers Kimberly Adams, Andrew Dolan, Elizabeth Doss, Michael Joplin, Kyle Lagunas, Gabriel Luna, Robert Pierson, Tom Truss, Jennifer Underwood and Chase Crossno as the Young Woman 28 May - 13 June 2010 Thursdays - Sundays Salvage Vanguard Theater |
Production Photos
photography by Russell Thomas Clayton
machinal from Dustin Wills on Vimeo.