written by Dustin Wills produced by Tutto Theatre Company directed by Dustin Wills assistant directed by Keri Boyd scenic design by Lisa Laratta costumed by Kim H Ngo lighting by Megan M Reilly stage managed by Chris Ashton technical direction by Sam Chesney Dramatis Personae Ophelia, In Love — Sofia Ruiz Ophelia, Impassioned — Chase Crossno Ophelia, On Edge — Lizzi Biggers Ophelia, Undone — Kimberly Adams Ophelia, In Water — Emily TIndall Hamlet and Polonius — Gabriel Luna |
Five women portray different fragments of Ophelia’s shattered mind while creeping between the pages of Shakespeare’s Hamlet. It tells the story from her perspective and explores the intricacies of her relationship with Hamlet, her father, and herself. Ophelia gives a voice to literature’s most woefully underwritten female.